We provide a unique strategic approach to Bad Debt!



With over 15 years of experience, our collectors understand the importance of customer retention and that not all defaulted payments are intentional. At Delmarva Collections, we specialize in identifying the underlying issues and creating customized repayment plans that allow you to maintain a positive relationship with your customers, even after their debt is paid off.

Credit Reporting

Credit Reporting

Each client has the option to have account owed listed on customers personal or business credit profile. It is very important to have written contracts, invoices etc to validate your claim. It is also very important to qualify your customer before doing business or extending credit. We do offer our clients a credit risk assessment before taking on a potential new high risk consumer.

Paralegal services

Paralegal services

Unfortunately at times we have to exercise other avenues such as legal remedies to get you paid. It is extremely important that you have an agreement and or contract in writing in the event we have to use to this avenue. We work with a group of local attorneys that will fight to get you paid!

No win no fee

Means exactly that if we do not recover your account it is no cost to you. We work with each client according to their needs on a contingency basis only.

Judgement Recovery

Judgement Recovery

If you already have a won a judgement in your favor but have been unsuccessful in recovering your loss. Place your account with us we will be diligent in finding place of employment, property ownership, assets etc. All to be used to gain leverage to get you paid.

Tier One: Affordable, Fixed-Fee Collections

Delmarva Collections Inc offers debt collection plans built for businesses of all sizes. With low fixed-fee pricing per account, regardless of balance, and NO percentages taken – 100% of recovered money is sent to your business or organization with our Tier One Fixed Fee Collections. What you see is what you pay, and with an unparalleled guarantee to back it up! Find your perfect match based on the number of delinquent accounts you’d like to recover:

We Require


Sign up fee for all new clients to get started


Qty: 10


per account

$119.95 Total



per account

$248.75 Total



per account

$397.50 Total

Over 100




Tier Two: Contingency Based Option

Tier two is a contingency based option service that is billed ONLY if we collect on the account so if we don’t collect, you don’t pay a thing.

We use a proven combination of calls and negotiation strategies from our highly skilled collectors, written demands, and legal action – where appropriate and approved by counsel – to collect on your past due accounts.

We use cutting edge skiptracing software to locate debtor and provide up to date information we also report to the credit bureaus after the validation period all to be used as a tool to get you paid ASAP.

We back this up with industry –leading data security and compliance controls, ensuring your data and your brand are protected throughout the collection process. Once we have recovered any portion of the delinquent amount, we split the recovered amount with you, 33.3.

After 90-120 day’s delinquent with no payment is the time to place the account as your invoice is no longer a priority to them and you may risk the chance of not getting paid at all.

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